Friday, July 24, 2015

Garcinia Cambogia from Life and Food

I would recommend this product to anyone trying to loose weight. I absolutely love it. I took 2 capsules in the morning before breakfast and 2 more around 3 pm.  It boosted my energy level dramatically. I feel so energized. It gave me the energy and stamina I needed to go to the gym. It doesn't leave you feeling jittery or crashing later on. It helped control and suppress my appetite. My biggest problem with eating is portion control. Garcinia helped with that problem so much. I tried to eat like I normally do but after eating less than half I was full. So far I lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks. I received this for free to give my honest unbiased opinion.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Elite Fat Burner by Vitamin Elite

I Just received this product yesterday. It's Elite Fat Burner phase 3 by Vitamin Elite. About 2 hours after taking it I immediately noticed a change in my energy level. I cleaned and organized my whole house lol. I received it for free. I will say you truly love this supplement.